Toji no Miko Wiki

This article contains the questions and answers from the official Peing Question Box.

Question and Answer list[]

Date Japanese Translated
January 14, 2018 Q.第1話で鎌倉駅が出てきましたが今後鎌倉でのシーンはあリますか? Question:

Kamakura Station was featured in the first episode, but will there be more scenes set in Kamakura in the future?

A.あります!作中では鎌倉市に「伍箇伝」の一つ鎌府女学院と、刀使を管理する「刀剣類管理局」の本部があるため、頻繁に登場します。ちなみに第1話アバンで荒魂と戦っていた沙耶香が鎌府女学院の生徒です。 Answer:

There will! During the story, The Five Traditions' school in Kamakura, Renpu Girls' School, and the headquarters of the Special Sword Administration Bureau will often appear. By the way, the girl who fought an Aradama in episode one, Sayaka, is a student of Renpu Girls' School.

January 15, 2018 Q.ゲームオリジナルキャラはアニメには出演しないのでしょうか? Question:

Will the game original characters appear in the anime?

A.実は第1話に「安桜美炎(あさくらみほの)」は登場していました! 台詞はありませんでしたが気づかれましたか?このあとも登場するのかは見てのお楽しみということで、ぜひ今後の話数もご覧下さい! Answer:

Actually, Mihono Asakura made an appearance in the first episode. She didn't speak, but did you notice her? Of course, from now on please look forward to watching and look out for appearance, and take a look at other stories too!

January 16, 2018 Q.ゲ一ムの質問ですが、親衛隊キャラはプレイヤーの操作キャラとして使えますか?ユメが好きなんですが、単なる敵キャラだっにら悲しいです。 Question:
I have a question about the game. Will players be able to play as the Elite Guard characters? I like Yume, but I'm sad she's just an enemy character.
A.スクエニさんから→「ご意見ありがとうございます。現時点ではなんともお伝えできないのですが、親衛隊キャラもプレイアブルとして操作できたら楽しいだろうと開発チームでも議論しております!」とのことです!! Answer:

Square Enix: "Thank you for your comments. Though I cannot answer your question right now, the development team is also discussing if it would be fun to have the Elite Guard as playable characters."

January 19, 2018 Q.先行上映会では流派ごとに構えなどの描写が違うというこだわりポイントを挙げていましたが、刀ごとの紋様や音などへのだわりはるのでしょうか? Question:
I noticed at the advance screening that the characters' styles and stances were all different, but will the sword patterns and sounds also be different?
A.御刀がアップで映るシーンでは、御刀ごとに波紋を変えています。 御刀の音も、速い剣戟、重い剣戟、荒魂を斬る時、御刀同士の鍔迫り合いの時…などなど、状況に応じてたくさんの音を使っています。 Answer:
When an Okatana appears on screen, the rippling sounds change. Lots of different sounds are used Okatana also depending on the scene. Fast strikes, heavy strikes, when fighting Aradama, when dueling fellow wielders of the Okatana... etc, etc.
January 19, 2018 Q.アニメ初見で見て好きになりましたこれからも頑張って下さい。質問なのですが、今のところ出ているグッズ以外に何かグッズを発売する予定はありますか?(ストラップ、キャラソン、ライトノベルetc...) Question:
From when I first saw the anime I fell in love with it, so place continue doing your best.

My question is, are there plans for goods in the future to be released? (Straps, character songs, light novels, etc...)

A.ありがとうございます! 今後もたくさんグッズをだせるように鋭意企画中でございます! 順次公式HPやTwitterなどで告知をしていきます。 Answer:
Thank you very much! We are eagerly waiting to release many more goods in the future! We will announce details on the homepage, Twitter, etc.
January 25, 2018 Q.「写し」はどのくらいの攻撃を受けると解除されるのでしょうか? (アニメでは腕一本で解除されてましたが、かすり傷程度でも解除されるのでしょうか?) Question:
How much damage can Utsushi receive before cancelling? (In the anime, slicing off one arm cancels Utsushi, but being scratched also cancels it, isn't it?)
A.写シは刀使自らが解除するまで持続します。 意識が断たれたり、集中力が途切れた場合も解除されます。 Answer:
Utsushi remains in effect unless the Toji herself cancels it. Losing one's consciousness, as well as breaking one's concentration, can also cancel it.
January 25, 2018 Q.スタンプラリーの用紙を手に入れられる主な駅は何駅ですか? Question:
Which station hands out the blank forms for the stamp event?
A.台紙はスタンプ設置駅のほか、横浜駅、川崎駅、武蔵小杉駅などに置かれる予定です。 駅にあるパンフレットラックをチェックしてみてください! Answer:
We're planning to list down different stations that will give out the cards on the cards itself; these stations are Yokohama Station, Kawasaki Station, Musashi-Kosugi Station, etc. Please do check the pamphlet racks on stations for more information!
January 28, 2018 Q.綾小路武芸では結芽は何年生だったんでしょうか? 寿々花の後輩ですか? Question:
What year was Yume when she was still in Ayanokouji Martial Arts School? Is she Suzuka's kouhai?
A.結芽は中学一年の12歳です。沙耶香と同じです。 寿々花の後輩にあたりますが、綾小路武芸学舎に入学とほぼ同時に親衛隊入りして特別祭祀機動隊本部のある鎌倉市に引っ越した為同じ学校に通った期間はありません。 Answer:
Yume is a first-year middle school student at 12 years old. She's the same as Sayaka. Of course Suzuka is Yume's junior, but since they have to move to the Special Sword Administration Bureau headquarters Kamakura City after being admitted into the Elite Guard, Suzuka and Yume end up attending the same school at different periods.
January 28, 2018 Q.作品内の世界には海外にも刀使に似た存在はいますか? Question:
Do concepts similar to Toji exist outside Japan in-universe?
A.ほとんどいません。御刀は珠鋼という神性を帯びた砂鉄で出来ています。そして神性を帯びた砂鉄は、今のところ、日本でしか発見されていないからです。珠鋼や御刀、ノロが海外に持ち出された例は存在します。 Answer:
Mostly no. Toji are entrusted by divinity with a kind of iron sand called tamahagane. And this iron sand currently can be found within Japan. There are cases, however, where Tamahagane, Toji and Noro are brought overseas.
January 29, 2018 Q.動きが全く見えないほどの高速戦闘すごかったです! スタッフのどなたが考えた演出ですか? Question:
The high-speed battles where I can't see their movements were amazing! How did the staff think about how the battles would go?
A.世界観やキャラクターの設定はシリーズ構成の髙橋龍也さんが、映像演出は柿本監督や、アニメスタッフ の方々が考えています。 Answer:
Tatsuya Takahashi, who made the world concept, the characters, and the series composition for the anime, Director Kakimoto who handles photography direction, and the rest of the staff for the anime all contribute to it.
February 3, 2018 Q.各キャラにイメージカラーがあれば教えてください! イベントの際のペンライトの色の参考にしたいです! Question:
Please tell us about the symbolic color for each character! We'd want to bring the right color of penlights for events!
A.可奈美(赤)、姫和(緑)、舞衣(ピンク)、沙耶香(水色)、薫(オレンジ)、エレン(黄色)です。 キャラクターページ→ Answer:
Kanami is red, Hiyori is green, Mai is pink, Sayaka is light blue, Kaoru is orange, Ellen is yellow.
February 3, 2018 Q.キャラソンCDの初回生産特典というのは、2/21に発売されるCDに全部入っているんですか?事前に予約等していないと手に入らないのでしょうか?また、その初回生産特典のイラストポスター応募券というのは、応募すれば必ずポスターがもらえるのですか? Question:
Regarding the character song releases, will all the CDs be released on February 21? Will I end up missing out on the CDs if I haven't pre-ordered them? Also, will there be a guarantee that those with the first release special offer poster tickets will get the posters?
A.応募券1〜6(各CDに封入)を全て集めて応募となります。(初回生産分のみ)。プレゼント:応募者全員。 Answer:
Those who have the tickets can avail of the six-CD collection. (First releases only.) Everyone who pre-ordered will get the special gift.
February 5, 2018 Q.そういえば可奈美が柄を龍の口で握っていたのは感心しましたが、可奈美は後の先が得意のようですが、一刀両断とか剛の剣は得意なのでしょうか。 Question:
By the way, I admired how Kanami grabbed Mai's hilt like grasping a dragon's mouth, but Kanami has always been winning her fights; will there be a strong sword that would bring her to drastic measures to win?
A.可奈美は後の先を得意としています。刀使同士の試合だと、勝ち負けよりも、相手の剣術を受けてみたくなる性格です。 各キャラクターの得手不得手も今後、描かれるかもしれません。 Answer:
Yes, Kanami has been winning most of her fights. When fighting against other Toji, victory or defeat aside, she is the kind of person who wants to learn about an opponent's swordsmanship. We may be able to look into each character's strong points and weaknesses.
February 5, 2018 Q.北海道と東北地方はどこの学校が担当してるんですか? Question:
Which schools oversee the Hokkaido and Tohoku regions?
A.北海道は神奈川県にある鎌府符女学院が、東北地方は太平洋側を鎌府符女学院、日本海側を岐阜県にある美濃関学院が担当しています。他の伍箇伝からの応援も要請できます。今後北海道や東北地方も出てくるかも? Answer:
Hokkaido is part of Renpu Girls' School's jurisdiction, and Tohoku is split between Renpu (Pacific Ocean side) and Minoseki Academy (Sea of Japan side). Is it possible to ask for assistance from other schools under the Five Traditions. I wonder if Hokkaido or Tohoku would appear sometime.
February 7, 2018 Q.刀使の女の子達が歌ったり踊ったりする展開はありますか? Question:
Will there be a chance for the Toji girls to sing and dance?
A.アニメ本編で突然刀使たちが歌い出すことはなさそうです。 ですが、イベント「刀使祭(とじさい)」ではキャラソンライブを予定しております!是非お越しください! Answer:
It would be unlikely for the anime story to suddenly have the Toji singing. But, events like Tojisai will feature performances of character songs! Please do join us!
February 7, 2018 Q.親衛隊の4人の年齢を教えてください Question:
Please tell us about the age of the four Elite Guards.
A.獅童真希と此花寿々花が16歳、皐月夜見が15歳、燕結芽が12歳です! Answer:

Maki Shidou and Suzuka Konohana are 16 years old, Yomi Satsuki is 15, and Yume Tsubakuro is 12!

February 7, 2018 Q.4話でエレンが使った新しい技の正しい書き方は「金剛身」ですね? Question:

The proper reading for the new technique Ellen used in Episode 4 is "Adamantine Body", isn't it?

A.そうです。「こんごうしん」と読み、体の一部を硬くする技です。「写シ」や「迅移(じんい)」同様ほとんどの刀使が「金剛身」も使えますが、人によって得意・不得意の差が大きく戦闘であまり使わない刀使もいます。 Answer:

Yes it is. Read as "Kongoushin", it is a technique that strengthens a part of one's body. Like Utsushi and Jin'i, it can only be used by Toji, and the difference between its strong points and weaknesses vary among Toji, making it unusable in combat for certain Toji.

February 19, 2018 Q.実在の流派を作品に採用していますが、実際に見学や体験などされたのでしょうか? Question:

The series uses real-life schools of swordsmanship, but is this based on observation and practical experience?

A.「古武術是風会」の皆様に取材をさせていただき、アニメの動きの参考とさせていただきました。 Answer:

We receive information from the Kobujutsu Zefukai, and we also consult them for the movements used in the anime.

February 19, 2018 Q.単純に気になったのですが、なぜキャラクターデザインをしずまよしのり氏に決めたのですか? Question:

Simply put, this has been in my mind but, why was Yoshinori Shizuma chosen as the character designer for the series?

A.以前から注目しており、独自の世界観をお持ちの方だと思っていました。HPには日本刀と女の子をモチーフにした作品もありましたので「刀使ノ巫女」という企画でしずまさんが持つ世界観を見たいと思いました。 Answer:

He was on our sights for some time, and we considered how he creates an original concept. We saw some of his works in his website that have girls wielding Japanese swords as a motif, so we thought that we wanted to see the concept that Shizuma-san has in mind, thus the start of the "Toji no Miko" project.

February 19, 2018 Q.エレンのご両親と舞衣のお父さんはどういうお仕事をしているのでしょうか.物語に影響していますか? Question:

What kind of work does Ellen's parents and Mai's father have? Is this relevant to the story?

A.今後の話数でエレンや舞衣の家族の情報も少しずつ登場していきます。どれくらい物語に影響があるかは……お楽しみにお待ちいただけたらと思います。 Answer:

In upcoming episodes, there will be additional information about the Yanase and Kohagura families. As for how relevant it would be to the story... I think it be a good thing to watch out for.

February 19, 2018 Q.いつも楽しくみてます!LINEスタンプの製作予定はありますか?キャラが可愛くて魅力的なのでぜひ検討して欲しいです! Question:

It's always fun watching the show! Are there plans on making LINE stickers? The characters are so cute and charming and it would be great if you consider it!

A.ありがとうございます!現在企画中です。もうしばらくお待ちいただけたらと思います。 Answer:

Thanks! Right now, it's still being planned. I think you have to wait a little bit more.

February 19, 2018 Q.写しを使ってる時に切られたりしたら、痛みはどうなるんでしょうか? Question:

If I was cut while I'm using Utsushi, how much pain will I receive from it?

A.斬られたとしても僅かな痛みに軽減されます。 Answer:

Even if you get sliced off, the feeling will be reduced to a slight pain.

February 27, 2018 Q.刀使は各校に何人位いますか? Question:

How many Toji are in each school?

A.各校ごとに人数は異なりますが、平均して、各校の各学年ごとに20人弱、それが中高で六学年あるので、各校で120人前後。伍箇伝を全て合わせると、600人前後になります。 Answer:

The actual figure varies among the schools, but on average, for all six years of middle and high school, each school has 120 students. For all five schools under the Five Traditions, it totals to 600 students.

February 27, 2018 Q.御刀が折れるなどして使用不可能になったら修復して使うのですか?それとも廃棄するのですか? Question:

If an okatana is broken or otherwise rendered unusable, is it repaired? Or is it disposed of?

A.御刀が折れることはほとんどありません。それでも折れた場合基本は刀剣類管理局の管理下に置かれます。稀に折神家や伍箇伝に属する特別な刀工が厳しい管理の下で珠鋼を取りだし新しい御刀に再生されることもあります Answer:

It is almost impossible for an okatana to break. Nonetheless, in case of a broken okatana, the standard procedure is returning the okatana to the Special Sword Administration Bureau. In rare cases, the special swordsmiths affiliated with the Origami Family and the Five Traditions are given tamahagane under strict supervision to produce and give life to a new okatana.

February 27, 2018 Q.可奈美たちは小学生の頃に試験を突破して刀使になったのですか? Question:

Did Kanami and the others pass their exams with flying colors in elementary and became Toji?

A.小学生の頃に御刀との相性試験を受ける機会があります。可奈美たちはそれに合格し、本人や保護者の意志によって伍箇伝に入学しています。 Answer:

Elementary school pupils may undergo an Okatana Compatibility Examination. Kanami and the others passed this exam and, with the intention of the person itself and a guardian, can enroll in one of the schools of the Five Traditions.

February 27, 2018 Q.刀使の巫女たちは、お給料が国から支給されているんですか? Question:

Do Toji receive salary from the country?

A.そうです!国家公務員です。ちなみに刀使養成機関である「伍箇伝」の授業料も無料です。ちょっと羨ましいですが、危険なことや怖い目にあうこともありますからね…。 Answer:

Yes! They are government officials. By the way, the Five Traditions provide free education for its students. It might be a little enviable, but they do have to deal with dangerous things and scary eyes in return...

February 27, 2018 Q.この世界に銃はあるのでしょうか.もし銃があるのだとすれば,例えば珠鋼を精錬して作成した銃弾なんていうのが研究・開発されてもいいと思うのですが,うまくいかなかったのでしょうか. Question:

Do guns exist in this world? In case they do, I think that it would be great if they devote research and development on refining tamahagane and producing bullets from it, although I wonder if it would work at all.

A.銃器、銃弾、矢尻などが作られた例はあります。しかし、いずれも刀使の手を離れると力が弱くなっていくので効果が薄いという結果が出ています。珠鋼自体がとても稀少なので、コスト的にも望ましくありません。 Answer:

There are cases where firearms, bullets and arrowheads were produced (from tamahagane). However, the power of these weapons diminishes as they are separated from a Toji's hands. Tamahagane itself is a scarce resource, so such an idea also undesirable for cost-related reasons.

February 27, 2018 Q.荒魂には銃のような通常兵器は通用するのですか? Question:

Are conventional weapons like guns useful against Aradama?

A.物理的に破損させることはできますが、御刀によるダメージ以外はしばらく後に融合、回復してしまいます。通常兵器で刀使の支援を行う特別機動隊も存在します。 Answer:

Although Aradama can receive physical damage, but unless if it is dealt by okatana, they can gradually recover from it. There are special riot police that assist Toji by using conventional weapons.

February 27, 2018 Q.現在三名の学長が登場していますが、学長が戦闘に参加することはないのでしょうか?



Currently, there are three presidents introduced, but do they never participate in battle? Or in other words, are the presidents strong?

A.学長たちは刀使としての力は失ってしまっています。ただ、中高生の頃には第一線で活躍する実力を持つ刀使たちでした。(質問は4話放送時点のものでした) Answer:

The presidents have already lost their powers as a Toji. Only Toji in their middle- and high-school age, who still possess their true strength, can participate in battle. (This question was asked during the broadcast of Episode 04.)
