Toji no Miko Wiki
Sayaka Itomi (Bride)
Rarity: 4★ School: Renpu Girls' School Attribute: Break
Voiced by: Hina Kino
Stats at Level 80 (Max Base Up), Limitbreak-main x 1
Combat Power 4713 Type: Strong Attack
IconStatsVitality Vitality 2150 IconStatsAgility Agility 80
IconStatsOffense Offense 1171 IconStatsConcentration Concentration 50
IconStatsDefense Defense 863 IconStatsEvasion Evasion 0
IconStatsPhysique Physique 962 IconStatsCritical Critical 0
IconStatsSpirit Spirit 842 IconStatsDrain Drain 0
Leader Skill
IconSkillBuffDamage 剣撃の真髄・誓
Essence of Swordfighting - Vow
At Level 1/2:
  • IconSkillBuffDamage Increases the Attack Damage of all ally Break-attribute members by 20/30%
IconSkillOugiRanged 無想剣・誓
Thoughtless Sword - Vow
Cooldown: 4 turns
At Level 5/6:
  • IconSkillOugiRanged Deals 230/260 Power as damage to all enemies
  • IconSkillBuffSureHit For 3 turns, grants Sure Hit to the user
IconSkillBuffChainAttack 連携の真髄
Essence of Chain Attack
At Level 1/2:
  • When initiating a Chain Attack, adds a 30/50% chance of increasing the Chain Attack Damage of all participating allies
  • When participating in a Chain Attack, adds a 30/50% chance of increasing the user's Chain Attack Damage

Obtained from[]

  • Pure-White Bridal Limited Pick-up Gacha (June 1, 2018)


  • Bridal Costume (Sayaka Itomi)


Main article: Sayaka Itomi

Sayaka Itomi is a first-year middle school student of Renpu Girls' School. Her okatana is Myoho Muramasa (妙法村正). She is a prodigy Toji that boasts the fastest swordsmanship despite being at a young age. She accomplishes any mission given to her, but struggles in communicating with others.
